Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Losing weight was easy in the summer. It was hot, lots of dancing at festivals and loads of intentional and unintentional sweating. What does not help? Cold weather, a new boyfriend who likes to take me out to eat and traveling to the culinary heavens of the world. So I need to step it up. I lost 5 kg and felt great but gained about 2.5 kg back now. That's not on and it will change again. School starts next week, uni is back on and I'm doing Aqua gym and wellness workout as courses starting next week. Add to that the swimming flatrate! Now that sounds good. I will soon live close to my pool and with school starting, I need to plan my eating more, which helps too. Lets hope I stick to it!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The plan

Over the last two years, I have been losing weight without any effort, continuously... but now this has obviously come to a standstill. Time to put in some extra effort, monitor what I eat and reduce the intake a little. The goal? Feeling better about myself. No target weight as such, as long as its within the range of 50 - 60 kg. That would be nice. I'm going mainstream "weight watching" by just keeping a diary of what I've eaten and my activity levels. Hopefully I'll also keep up to date here. Current situation: I'm on holiday for another 4 weeks, studying for exams and getting ready for a trip to London and Wales, and a music festival in August.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas ....

Christmas is here yet again and I am bored. While my dad is shoveling snow, my mum is making dessert. I stay clear of both of those activities... for good reasons!

The afternoon will be a quick trip to my sister's house, as her husband has a Christmas birthday. It will be quick, because I am apparently responsible for dinner. So need to go home and cook the roast for the late Christmas dinner. Then I have to pick my parents up (because my mum can't drive at the moment!) which means I have to lay low on the champagne or prosecco during cooking! Shame!

Happy Christmas readers, if there are any left! Really blogging more "seriously" over here: http://easemymind.posterous.com

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just let your speed arrive

I am in love with Zola Jesus! Her voice, her lyrics.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer in the country

Unna is not particularly countryside, as you might know it. But it is rural, for a place at the edge of one of Europe's most industrial areas, the Ruhr valley, or Ruhr area (which, incidentally, is the European cultural capital 2010. Though, unfortunately, you might know this due to the unfortunate and sad events of Saturday's Love Parade).

The other day I took a walk around an area I hadn't seen in a while. It was late, nearly 8 p.m., the sun was low and it was just gorgeous. It felt like a holiday (and this is supposed to be one!).

Here are some shots I posted on my flickr from the walk. Gorgeous, isn't it?



Just click on the pictures to view the whole Unna set on Flickr.